To Start Out; Let's Find Out If You Are Getting Good Quality Sleep.
Get a Great Night's Sleep

Quiet Comfortable Room

You Sleep - We Study

Carolina Heart Specialists Sleep Lab
Our in-lab sleep study provides a board-certified sleep medicine physician with the most complete evaluation of your sleep. You will get to stay overnight at our sleep center.
An in-lab sleep study is known as a polysomnogram. During this study a machine records your brain waves, heartbeats and breathing while you sleep. It also charts your eye movements, limb movements and oxygen in your blood. This data will help your doctor make a diagnosis and develop a treatment plan.
A board-certified sleep medicine physician may recommend an in-lab sleep study to:
- Test for sleep-related breathing disorders including sleep apnea.
- Evaluate behaviors during sleep due to parasomnias
- Diagnose narcolepsy or hypersomnia along with the MSLT
- Titrate or calibrate the levels of continuous positive airway pressure in patients who receive CPAP therapy for sleep related breathing disorders.
- Determine why treatment for a sleep disorder is not working.
- For some patients suspected of obstructive sleep apnea, the sleep physician may recommend a home sleep apnea test instead of an in-lab study.
An in-lab sleep study is the way to ensure that you have the proper diagnosis for a sleep disorder. Ask one of our doctors if you think you might need a sleep study.
Obstructive Sleep Apnea
- Patients with moderate to severe OSA are 3x more likely to have a stroke
- The risk of stroke rises with the severity of the disease.
- OSA is often found in patients following a stroke.
Chronic Pain
- Up to 80% of patients with fibromyalgia have Sleep Apnea
- 75% of patients treated with moderate to high doses of opioids have Sleep Apnea
Poor Sleep
- Many patients may not be aware of their poor sleep quality.
Mood Disturbance
- Depressin
- Anxiety
- loss of motivation
- Shortened attention span
- Moodiness and bad temper
- Low testosterone
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
- Possible treatment options are:
- Weight loss
- Heartburn Medications
- CPAP Therapy (continuous positive airway pressure)
Loud Snoring
- Relationship Discord
- Morning headaches
Daytime Sleepiness
- 7x more likely to have a car accident
- Impaired concentration and memory loss
- Reduced work efficiency
- Reduced alertness
- Slower reaction time
Sexual Dysfunction
- Loss of libido
- Impotence
Diabetes type II
- The treatment of Sleep Apnea may have as much of an effect as prescribed oral medications
- As sleep shortens or diminishes in quality, appetite for high-calorie food increases
- Approximately 80% of OSA patients are overweight
- Frequent urination at night
Stress on the Heart
Congestive Heart Failure
- Newly diagnosed patients should be screened for OSA
- Severe forms of Sleep Apnea have a 65% greater risk of developing cancer
Drug Resistant Hypertension
- Sleep Apnea is an identifiable cause of high blood pressure
Cardiac Arrhythmias
- 4x as likely to have atrial fibrillation
Medical Costs
- Untreated Sleep Apnea costs Americans an extra $4.3 billion per year
- Treating Sleep Apnea can cut a patient’s healthcare costs in half.
Sudden Death
- OSA sufferers have a 30% higher risk of heart attack or premature death
- More than 50% of sudden deaths from ISA occur between 10PM and 6AM